Floating for Your Immune System

Life is stressful. The more stressed you become the more stress hormones you release. And if you’re anything like me, you then begin to stress about how stressed you are. This creates a snowball effect as your body releases even more of these harmful chemicals such as Cortisol, Norepinephrine, ACTH, and epinephrine, with Cortisol being the most infamous.

High levels of Cortisol are linked to a number of ailments including heart attacks, depression and anxiety. But here I’ll be addressing the effects Cortisol has on the immune system and how a regular float practice can counteract these effects.

Cortisol, if you haven’t guessed by now, depresses the body’s immune system. In The Book of Floating, author Michael Hutchinson refers to tests performed by Neuroendocrinologist John Turner and psychologist Thomas Fine proving that flotation therapy lowers the levels of all stress hormones including cortisol. A welcome chance to recover, and thus softening the blow to our immune system from stress!

Not only can floating help protect our immune systems from stress chemicals, it can also help to fortify it. Hutchinson, with the studies of some of the top neuroscientists in mind, states that “Through a consistent program of flotation therapy not only can we learn how to inhibit the release of certain harmful or unwanted biochemicals, we can also learn how to stimulate the release of other highly desirable biochemicals.” Of course, like with anything, consistency and practice will accelerate your outcomes.

In addition, there is also evidence that the high levels of Epsom salts in float tanks help to enhance your lymphatic system. This allows your body to become more efficient at another natural process: removing harmful toxins from your body. Likely because of the lack of external stimulation, floating allows your body to divert resources to reinforce its own natural healing abilities.

Reading up on float research has only confirmed what I have personally experienced. I am used to getting sick 3-4 times a year on average. A stomach bug here and a head cold there. It’s been that way since I was little. Not anymore!

Being someone who works at a float center, I am granted unlimited access to these amazing human cocoons. Over a year ago I made a point to float every day that I work. Essentially I went from 3-4 floats a month to 17-20 floats per month.

I have kept to this and it has drastically changed my life in many ways. But for now I will focus on the changes I’ve noticed in my body’s defenses. The result: I didn’t get sick for over a year. I shake hands with multiple people all day long at work and I live in a house with 3 other guys. No runny nose, no fever, no cough, nothing. I didn’t drastically change my exercise routine or diet. And I would even argue that this past year has been more stressful than previous ones.

I went a year and change with no sickness for the first time in my life. My streak ended when I caught a throat bug on vacation. Where I was unable to float for 3 weeks.

The float tank has been a gym for my immune system. Not only are these harmful stress chemicals being suppressed and held at bay while in the tank, my body’s immune system is also getting a chance to rest and prep for the upcoming battle against the daily germs that come with life.

I know there are many factors at play, but I truly feel that I’ve had these results by way of a consistent and disciplined float practice. And I believe that is the key: Consistency.

Once again quoting The Book of Floating, float researcher Thomas Fine says “Weight lifters don’t grow such monumental muscles naturally, not through random heavings of heavy weights, they use a sophisticated program of regular efforts, exercising again and again the muscles they wish to build. Similarly it is now clear, the way to mold our body chemistry, stimulating or pumping up our positive chemicals and inhibiting the unwanted ones, is through a consciously applied program of self regulation. It’s now apparent that the floatation tank is an ideal environment and tool to employ for such a program.”

If I have it my way I will be floating at this rate for the rest of my life. Even one float will help to support your immune system by allowing you to rest and recover. One float is better than no floats, but bringing a consistent and regimented attitude to your float practice will evolve it into something next to magic.

I’ve worked with float tanks for 3+ years now. And my deep dive within past year has shown me a lot. I have so much more to share. And I truly believe these tanks are cocoons for the human species. You emerge a little better, a little healthier every time. If you haven’t floated I encourage you to try it. And if you already have a float practice, float more. Your immune system will thank you.

Max Brooks

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