We recently acquired this location from Urban Float and are beyond excited to get settled in to this beautiful new space and spread the benefits of floating south of Seattle.

Our Renton location has 5 float tanks and we’ve just added an IR Sauna and an IR Sauna/Contrast Therapy Room!

New to floating? Learn more here


IsoPod | Rooms 1 & 5

Rooms 1 & 5 room are both home to IsoPods, although Room 5 is a bit more spacious and ADA-compliant. These tanks are sleek and quite large, with great airflow, low threshold for easy entry, pod lights, and options for ambient music. While the purists enjoy darkness and silence, this provides plenty of options for those who want to ease into the experience.

Evolution Pod | Room 2

A bit newer than the IsoPod and slightly smaller, the Evolution sports a space-age design, under-tank heaters, & great air flow. While this pod has colored lights and some optional music choices, we still recommend the dark and quiet!

Float Cabins | Rm 3 & 4

Nervous about floating in a smaller space? These cabin style tanks may be just right for you! Roomy with a high ceiling and large door opening, these feel like a private cave vs the cozy cocoon of a pod or traditional style.


Clearlight Sanctuary I

We have one standalone infrared sauna here at our Renton Landing location. It is situated in a cozy semi-private area, curtained off and separated from the front desk and float rooms. It is private but we do recommend wearing clothing — anything you’re comfortable sweating in. At Renton Landing our sauna is single use only and runs anywhere from 140° F to 155° F. If you’re a regular and have a temperature preference, you’re welcome to let us know ahead of time so we can set your preferred temperature for your booking. All sessions are 30 minutes and can be standalone or booked in combination with a float. We recommend doing the sauna session 45 minutes before a float to allow for a 15 minute cool-down in between.


IR Sauna/Cold Plunge

Contrast Therapy, Room 6

Now offering hot/cold contrast therapy to help boost your overall health and deepen your float experience. Book this service, and you will have a private room equipped with a shower, IR-sauna and cold plunge tub. The sauna is heated at 150° F while the cold plunge is cooled between 45° and 50° F. Sessions are 1-hour long, which will give you enough time to alternate between the sauna and cold plunge for at least 2 rounds.

*We offer 2-person sauna/cold plunge appointments at our Renton Landing & GreenWOOD studio only - $20 additional fee!