Sauna Use During COVID-19

[takeaways from Dr. Rhonda Patrick’s aka @foundmyfitness recent COVID-19 Q&A]

*There is no data to suggest Sauna use can prevent COVID-19 (lack of study).*  However, more widespread research provides convincing evidence that sauna use is incredibly beneficial for protecting lung health and boosting the body’s innate immune capabilities, both quite relevant under current circumstances.

Sauna use promotes mild hyperthermia which produces a wide array of physiological responses. These responses reduce oxidative stress and inflammation and active cellular defense systems that provide protection from many diseases

Regular sauna use has been shown to be protective against the development of chronic and acute respiratory illnesses like pneumonia, as well as the common cold. It’s also been shown to increase the innate immune response (shown by increase in white blood cell count and other markers)

One of the best benefits of sauna use is the boosted production of heat shock proteins in the body…

Heat shock proteins:

  • Play a critical role in maintaining cellular homeostasis and protecting the cells from stressful conditions

  • Once activated, heat shock proteins remain active for up to 48 hrs in the body

  • Heat shock protein counts increased by 50% after a 30-min session in a study of healthy young men & women

  • Being accustomed to extreme heat (i.e. regular sauna use) has been shown to increase the production of heat shock proteins in normal conditions as well, and even more so under stressful conditions such as cell or tissue injuries

  • As we age, we make less heat shock proteins, so anything done to boost them is beneficial

  • Production starts when we have a fever, so simulating a fever can initiate our innate immune response, and over time make it stronger and more capable of fending off bacteria & diseases that our body has never encountered before***

Not able to use a sauna right now?  Dr. Patrick says that both exercise and spending an hour in a hot bath (another modality of heat-stress) from the waist down have also been shown to increase heat shock proteins! 

To learn more about sauna in the context of COVID-19, listen to the COVID-19 Q&A #1 HERE or find FindMyFitness on iTunes as a podcast.

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