Floating and Concussions

The search for pain relief can drive people in many unexpected, and sometimes downright odd, directions – float tanks among them. With the high concentration of Epsom salt, the tank can fully support the body without any areas of pressure on your back. This alone has been shown to help with inflammation reduction, faster recovery times, and general pain management, which helps explain why many big-name athletes and sports teams (like Steph Curry, Tom Brady, the Seahawks, the Dodgers, the Cubs, and many more) incorporate floating into their recovery programs.

Beyond physical recovery, floating has also been shown to have many positive mental effects, such as reducing anxiety and depression, while increasing energy levels and serenity. These particular benefits have been backed by scientific research, but since floating is still a largely under-researched field, many of the stories that claim benefits from floating haven’t been explored through official studies. There are, however, some benefits that are being explored through smaller scale research programs and case studies that, while not official, show promise and can help lead to new findings and larger scale studies in the future.

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Some Things Never Change

Although the environment for floating is carefully constructed and controlled, it doesn’t stop every float being its own unique experience. This is true, not only from person to person, but also from float to float. The float tank is a neutral environment, but every individual brings in their own unique state of mind and body. It’s one of the reasons we always recommend playing around with different times of day (and days of the week) when you’re starting to float, so that you can find what you enjoy most consistently for your own practice.

What you’ve been thinking about, how much you’ve exercised recently, how sleepy you are, and even how long it’s been since your last visit can all impact the nature of your experience. With that said, there are a few surprising things that have way LESS impact on your float experience than you might think. These include the temperature and weather outside, the style of tank that you use, and even what your intentions and expectations are going into your session.

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Design Your Dream Home - and Life!

Visual-Spatial Intelligence is the ability to rotate an object in your mind. Those with a strong visual-spatial intelligence see the big picture, recognize patterns, and are very inventive. We often see this in professions that work in three dimensions such as architecture, engineering, and sculpting.

Architects, for example, plan a building by examining many points of view. They see how each space flows into the next and what vibe that might create. Plan your future house by envisioning spaces that are customized to your ideals of comfortable living. Sensory deprivation tanks provide a unique opportunity that’s free of distractions and allows you practice visualization. When you reach stillness, the Epsom salt relaxes your muscles while your mind focuses on processing information, weighing decisions, and considering your dreams.

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Finding Yourself in Quiet Darkness

“The tank is a general-purpose tool, not a design for something in particular. It is nothing and it is a powerful instrument for change. It is an environment for learning about oneself, in whatever way one wishes. It does not tell us what to do… we trust in the inherent capacity of the individual to discover what is best for themselves.”

- Glenn and Lee Perry, Floating in Quiet Darkness
(manufacturers of the first commercial float tanks)

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The Secret to Record-Breaking may be in the Float Tank

Stephen Curry carries the record for most 3-point field goals made (3PM) in the NBA and attributes much of his success to his practice in float therapy. Along with elaborate dribbling drills, Curry is not afraid to experiment with innovative training technologies. In 2015, the Warrior’s new head of physical performance and sports science, Lachlan Penfold, suggested the implementation of floatation therapy for preparation, performance, and injury management…

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Creative Notion from the Silent Ocean

If humanity defines itself by anything, it is by our capacities to think critically and to adapt through our creative abilities. Although the critical thinking part gets a lot of attention, creativity is at the core of our being and is one of the main driving forces of productivity.

Unfortunately, society values this productive output so much that it’s often willing to sacrifice our health and sanity in the short term to get there. This can cause a perverse cycle where our health suffers, so our creative force takes a serious dip, and our productivity is brought along as an unwilling and unwitting passenger. The intimate relationship between self-care, creativity, and productivity is both fascinating and often frustratingly elusive to balance in our lives.

Sometimes we "just get it" and everything seems to flow effortlessly from our intentions, through our actions, into being. However, when our creative fuel is running low our outlook can suddenly change, and lots of the creative tasks that would normally come easily to us end up being difficult to manage. This can manifest itself in things like writer’s block, listlessness, or even chronically cleaning the same spot in your kitchen over and over again in the hopes that you’ll somehow metaphorically wipe away your current mental obstacles.

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Improve Thyself: Betterment by Buoyancy

Many people float to find their baseline - whether that be for general relaxation, "me" time (away from kids, partners, work, friends and family), basic physical recovery, or even just paying off some sleep debt. For others, though, floating as a practice has more of a pointed goal to it – something specific that you’re looking to achieve, whether it be physical, emotional, intellectual, or spiritual. Since one of the most fascinating things about floating is how versatile it can be, and how it appeals to people in so many different walks of life, we wanted to run through some different ways floating is used for self-improvement.

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Finding togetherness through isolation

“What? Sorry, can you say that again – I was distracted.”

This is a phrase that’s all-too-commonly uttered these days. However, it seems apparent that it’s less a sign of personal failure and more an indication that the technological world we’re surrounded by is, indeed, incredibly distracting. Some of this is accidental, but much of it is purposefully designed by businesses, government, and individuals to grab our attention and keep it for as long as possible.

Unfortunately, this sensory assault takes its toll on us human beings, and being distracted is a symptom of the much larger problems of endemic stress and anxiety that plague so much of the population. It’s no surprise that this environment has led to an increase in popularity for meditation, mindfulness, and activities like floating. Floating lets us escape all of these distractions for a time, to give your body and mind time to rest, process, and heal…

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Float Tank Solutions