Posts in Tools & Tips
Appreciation, Inspiration, and Thoughtfulness: Slowing Down Makes Art (and Life) Better

If you’ve ever gone on a walk after a good float, you’ve probably felt something similar to the experience of cresting a summit after a long hike or staring deeply into a beautiful painting. It’s that overwhelming feeling that comes from a profound sense of awe after being in the presence of something greater than yourself.

When we stop to smell the roses, it improves more than just the scent of the roses. When we slow down to appreciate the little things, those little things take up more of our mental focus. If we stop to think about this phenomenon, it can inspire some curious questions. What actually is awe? Why does it feel so good to experience it? Beyond being satisfying, how does it impact us?

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How to Learn to Love Yourself (and Others)!

Let’s talk about loving yourself. It’s that time of year when partners and paramours really try to show their affection to their special someone. Alternatively, for the unattached, this time of year can be a reminder of our own isolation (and after 2020, that’s something we don't need more of).

Whatever your Valentine’s Day might look like this year, you already have the perfect date: yourself. Even if you’ve already got a beau, belle, or similar beloved you intend to dote on, dedicating some affection internally can pay off for them as much as for you.

This means more than buying yourself something nice, giving yourself compliments, or going for a spa day. In fact, limiting your idea of self-love to such a surface level interpretation is going to be counterproductive in the long term.

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Floating, Meditation, and Mindfulness: Adding Tools to your Mental Tool-belt

Floating removes you from the outside world and gives your mind the freedom to wander wherever it wants to go. When you float, you don’t have anything you need to do.

There’s nothing you need to work on.

You have a space where you can lie down, removed from the pressure of thinking, discussing, or participating in anything at all. It’s an environment that exists almost completely opposite our current plugged-in, sensory-driven way of life.

In a float tank, you have the opportunity to be more mindful than pretty much any other environment in the world.

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How does Blue Light affect sleep?

You have probably been hearing a lot about blue light recently, and how it can cause health issues and disrupt your sleep. Chances are you are struggling to find credible information on how blue light affects sleep. You are a critical thinker and you do not want to take someone’s word that blue light affects your sleep.

Rightly so!

In this article we are going to explain to you how blue light affects your sleep and link some of the important peer reviewed studies and clinical trials on this very question; how does blue light affect sleep?

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Float Times and Frequency

Whether you are completely new to this or are already an avid floater, how often you float really depends on your own goals and circumstances. If you float for chronic pain you may need to go almost every single day to see results.  Our Limitless Memberships are perfect for this. If you are floating for general wellness or to really explore your consciousness, floating 1-2 times a week is probably perfect. We also have a lot of members who float 1-2 times per month, as a part of a larger stress maintenance and wellness practice.  Everyone is different and we’re happy to help you find the right frequency for you needs and interests.

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Digital Detox Tips

It’s no secret that we love our technology.  Smart phones are ubiquitous in the modern world, and for good reason. By simply reaching into our pockets, we’re allowed instant communication with anyone in the world, access to nearly all of recorded human knowledge, and the ability to create and manifest our ideas and projects.  Whether you were born post-internet or not, it’s easy to take it all for granted.  It’s good to remind ourselves just how incredible we’ve got it!


But with these amazing capabilities, there is of course a downside.  Lacking a mindful approach, we can quite easily become too attached and even addicted to the endless buzzes and pings from texts, emails, social media posts, etc.

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Supplements for Optimal Health and Floating

As much as we have high standards for our staff and services, the same holds true for any additional products that we carry at the studio.  No shenanigans, this is real stuff that we use and love.  Specifically, we sell certain supplements that are synergistic with the float experience, designed to give you enhanced focus, increased relaxation, and vital nutrients to keep your body and mind functioning optimally.  The main companies that we partner with - Onnit and Natural Stacks - are powered by real people that we trust.  Some of which are backed by clinical research, they each employ sustainable practices to harness high-quality natural ingredients for all of their products.  We all share the same values of honesty and integrity, as we intend to make a positive impact on the community of people that we serve.

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