How Depriving My Senses is Reviving My Life

I discovered floating in November 2016 watching a Vice series called Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia. During that time I had no awareness about how my thought patterns were impacting my life.
I was constantly questioning my value and self worth. I isolated myself from everyone around me. I became so self conscious I avoided interacting with my peers because I was afraid they’d see how tiny, lonely, and hopeless I was. I hardly left my house. I almost destroyed my relationship with my partner because I became so utterly dependent on him. I felt like such a burden to the people who loved me. I kept affirming to myself that I was boring, hopeless, and unworthy of love. I told myself, everyone would be better off if I didn’t exist.

My first float forced me into a meditative state which I had never experienced before. I got to this place where I was able to observe my thoughts instead of be them. I realized I had a choice to follow my mind down the negative rabbit hole. I realized that I could deny that voice which had so much power over me.

Depression is tricky. I believe we all have depressive thoughts and when they catch you off guard, in a vulnerable state, you listen to them and if you listen to them long enough it becomes your truth. The mind is powerful, you can’t snap out of depression, there’s no quick fix. Floating wasn’t the magic cure for my depression. It felt like I was drowning in my own sorrow and floating gave me a breath of air. It helped to give me a higher perspective that gave me the motivation to start changing the way I was thinking and acting.

I want you to know that if you’re depressed, you are not your depression. Depression is a state of mind. You are not alone. That is the biggest lie anyone can tell themselves. 

Floating saved my life and I want to share it with people. That’s why I work here. I want to help people realize the potential within them to heal themselves. Healing starts with mindfulness and the float tank is the perfect space to be mindful.

If you would like to reach out to Jessica, please email her at

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